In Defense of Football (Soccer) Flops
One of the Thunder Man's biggest criticism of the beautiful game is that he can't stand the flopping. Not that these clips justify the flopping in soccer, but they demonstrate that professional athletes will do anything to get an edge - cream, the clear, locking out Scott Boras. It's a character trait that helps get them to the highest level.
Flop 1: Baron Davis v. Okur
Flop 2: Horry v. Boozer (I'm not sure who the color man is during this broadcast, but his reaction is great.)
Flop 3: Raja Bell v. Ginobli (Playoff flop)
A quick YouTube search will turn up plenty of soccer flops. And I know BT will argue that none of the flops I posted above were clearly outcome determinative, like Grosso's flop in the box v. Australia in the 2006 World Cup. My only reply to that is: "Practice makes perfect."
P.S. I hated the idea of posting on top of Brooke Burke, so here's some Kristen Kreuk (Lana Lang from Smallville).