Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Ponger's Lament

I'm always disheartened when a vocal minority unduly influences the political process and subverts the idealistic paradigm of our beloved representative republic. The system has been doubly abused in the case of Belmar and Manasquan, New Jersey - two picturesque resort towns on the Jersey Shore. Last year Belmar outlawed the playing of beer pong outdoors. Apparently, Manasquan has now followed suit. As a seasoned beer pong veteran, host of a local beer pong tournament and a frequent visitor to both Belmar and Manasquan, I am outraged by the heavy-handed actions of the governing bodies of these towns, which benefit so richly from the influx of young professional renters and tourists like myself every summer (both in terms of dollars spent and usurious fines - I myself have been tagged in Belmar for a running total of over $700 in fines). Certainly, these ordinances must have been enacted in response to deafening public outcry. Not quite! According to the article linked to above, FOUR RESIDENTS OF MANASQUAN complained to the mayor! You've got to be kidding me! Four complaints precipitated a ridiculous, puritanical prohibition against fun.


At 10:19 AM, Blogger Big Thunder said...

Here's a little known fact - when I was just a young Thunderling, I used to spend a week or two every summer in Manasquan. It brings back idyllic memories of childhood.

Oh, and for what its worth, I'm one of the four that complained.

At 10:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my condomates and i were going to play some beer pong on our roof friday night....but alas, we didnt have the correct table set up (or the requisite plastic cups, which were all used up at the last roof party). instead we had to settle for some good old fashioned asshole

ahh, the memories

At 11:56 AM, Blogger Dave Law said...

First, I know married Thunder doesn't clap quite as loudly as single Thunder, but complaining about Beer Pong? That's sad.

Second, A-nonymous, in that situation you should have been asking yourself WWDLD (what would Dave Law do?) There's always a way to improvise a game of beer pong!

At 2:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

can i get a wwdld bumper sticker please?


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