Thursday, August 17, 2006

Retina Burn

After BT's disturbing chupacabra pic from the left coast, I needed to act quickly to cleanse the visual palette. I offer this pic of Jessica Biel from the NYC premeire of The Illusionist (East Coast). I've overheard plenty of locker-room arguments about whether Jessica is hot or not. Personally, I've always found the lass attractive (although, not quite hot enough to participate in any of those arguments). Nevertheless, I think this pic does a fine job of distracting our readers from the dead chupacabra head below!

While I was surfing the news sites today, I also happened upon a picture of John Mark Karr, the perv who allegedly killed JonBenet (Ramsey - so there's no confusion as to which JonBenet I refer). These guys always fit the bill! In this case, Karr looks exactly like what I would think a child molester would look like. This guy was a teacher?!? Who would let their kids alone in a room with him? I'm intentionally not including a pic of this guy b/c the purpose of this post is to move the blog away from disturbing, creepy pictures. (See Jessica above - ahhhhhhhhhh, better).


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