Thursday, April 12, 2007

Is this Ironic?

A question for the readership: What is the official overcompensatory testosterony ultraheteromale party line on Alanis Morrissette?

This question (obviously) has two main subparts: music and hotness.

First, the music. Are we allowed to like it? The first that any of us non-maple syrup types heard of her was "You Oughta Know," which I'll go ahead and say is a pretty kick-ass song. Yeah, yeah, I know. Joey Gladstone and all. But still, she rips through it with more testosterone than most of the Hootie and the Blowfish-inspired drivel that passed as rock at the time. Also, she seems like it would be fun to go with her to the theater.

Its not that I think about her or her music very often - which reminds me, the whole impetus of this post was this fantastic video that she put out:

The video reminded me of part of the reason I like her. She's always pretty creative and somewhat ballsy. Although I don't like the way that she does the weird overpronouncing thing when she sings.

Anyhow, wanted to get the official line on whether I should change my tune re: the Alanis music question.

Now, as to the Alanis hotness question, you'd think I could answer that with no problem. But again, I'm confused. There are times (like the above pic) when I think she looks good. She's not a model, not a sexpot, not conventionally "hot," but she looks very good (I think). The answer to the question (you know what question) is "Yes." Then there are times when seeing her makes me want to stick my head in the microwave.

Nevermind. I think I just made my decision.



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